A new way to learn to drive
At Virtual Drive, we offer a new way to learn how to drive.
From the comfort of your own home, we can teach you how to drive and prepare for your driving test.

Syllabus Specific Lessons
Our lessons are designed and managed remotely
by a qualified driving instructor

Environmentally Friendly
With VIRTUALDRIVE lessons we use less fuel
and help to meet net-zero targets

A Refresher Lesson
For the supervising driver they get the added bonus of
a free refresher lesson

Highly Cost Effective
VIRTUALDRIVE lessons cost less than an in-car lesson

Helps Control the Virus
With restricting the amount of time you are interacting with an instructor,
we can help to limit the spread of Covid-19
What our clients think
Virtual driving lessons seem to be popular

I started driving between the lockdowns, so the virtual lessons were great. I passed 1st time!

I had my motorcycle licence, so I thought the virtual lessons would be a good way forward.

I had six virtual lessons and passed first time, I was so pleased!